Injured Penguins Get Tiny Sweaters From Australia's Oldest Man
Animals Creativity

Injured Penguins Get Tiny Sweaters From Australia's Oldest Man

Aukod Staff
Aukod Staff
Aukod Staff

What is the average time it takes to master a craft skill? Is it 80 years? Alfred Date, a 109-year-old Australian knitter, has made mini sweaters for endangered penguins since the 1930s.

In 2013, the Phillip Island Penguin Foundation requested volunteers to make sweaters to be given to the "little penguins." Alfie was one of those people. The knitted penguin jumpers are essential to saving the penguins affected by oil pollution.

Father to 7 children, and he is a grandfather to 20 grandchildren. He has been an active knitter and a great sportsman. He played golf until his 90's.

His secret for longevity? "Waking up every day." He's also a joker!More info: Phillip Island Penguin Foundation (h/t: ninemsn, mashable)
